@cloudsjoo very realistic day of eating in the office! 🏙️👩🏻‍💻 Honesty loving my @NairnsOfficial Oat Bars, they’re my go-to snack these days 🫶 So good for when im craving something sweet but still wanna be healthy! You can get them on offer rn in Sainsbury’s, Asda and Waitrose if you want to try them 😊 ad #whatiate #wieiadrealistic #whatieatinaday #realisticwieiad #wieiadwork #nairnsoatbars #oatbars ♬ Cute - Aurel Surya Lie


Snacking essentials

As a part of her recent campaign with Nairns, though 1x TikTok Clouds generated +140k views, +3.3k likes & 147 saves. The partnership was seamlessly integrated into her audiences favourite vlog style content of Clouds' life as a corporate consultant.


Some key Clouds Joo stats

400k+ followers across platforms
Worked with household names including Amazon, Tiffany&Co. and Deliveroo
Democratising the corporate world, and creating resources for her audience

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